























Ma Yi shouts against being wronged with the written complaint in his hands. (Tang Wen-Hwa as Ma Yi)

Never Dawn performance photo 006
A revised old opera; Daylight Never Comes; The Ninth Hour into the Night; Tang Wen-Hwa; Wu Jian-Hung; Liu Zhuo-Yu; Chen Mei-Lan; Wang Sheng-Guang
GuoGuang Opera Company
Producer: Chen Chao-Hu
Director: Shi Yu-Kun
Playwright: Liu Huei-Fen
Tang Wen-Hwa
Photography: Lin Rung-Lu
Photo date: 2001.11.10
Performance date: 2001.11.10
Photograph: performance photo
Size:1187*1775 pixel
Taipei, Taiwan
Project of Digitalized Reservation of the Opera Productions of GuoGuang Opera Company
Digitalization: Shi Hsin University
Original source: GuoGuang Opera Company