























When Jiao Guang-Pu reveals the true identity of Yang Ba-Jie, the two start fighting. (Dai Xin-Yi as Yang Ba-Jie; Xu Xiao-Cun as Jiao Guang-Pu)

Stopping the Horse: performance photo 005
The Imposters, or False Identities: Stopping the Horse; a traditional Chinese Opera; Dai Xin-Yi; Xu Xiao-Cun
GuoGuang Opera Company
Producer: Chen Chao-Hu
Director of Rehearsal: Wang Guan-Qiang
Dai Xin-Yi; Xu Xiao-Cun
Photography: Lin Rung-Lu
Photo date: 2010.01.23
Performance date: 2010.01.23
Photography: performance photo
Taipei, Taiwan
Project of Digitalized Reservation of the Opera Productions of GuoGuang Opera Company
Digitalization: Shi Hsin University
Original source: GuoGuang Opera Company